The Jaguar XJ220 spearheaded Britain's entry into the world of supercars, previously dominated by Italian stylists and engineers. The showcar prototype caused a sensation when it appeared at the...
"This is a car that will never in its life be taken to a supermarket" (Lorenzo Ramaciotti, Ferrari F40 project manager) In 1987, Ferrari celebrated it's 40th Anniversary by introducing it's...
The twin-charged Porsche 959 was the fastest street legal production car when it was introduced in 1986, achieving a top speed of 317 km/h (197 mph), with some variants even capable of achieving 339...
Ferrucio Lamborghini made his millions building tractors and decided to reward himself with a new Ferrari. According to legend, Enzo Ferrari refused to sell him one. This alleged snub is said to have...
Superfast, superpowerful with head-turning looks, the Subaru Impreza is one of the most desirable cars, enjoying phenomenal cult status thanks largely to Colin McRae's storming world rally...
Affectionately known as "God's Chariot" amongst the car's fans and owners around the world, the second-generation BMW 3 series, the E30 M3, is still regarded by many as being the ultimate BMW to own...